Breaking down the woo-woo isn’t meant to understand the unconventional ways of healing better, it’s meant to understand ourselves better.
When we use different types of tools, combining familiar healing practices with new woo-woo practices, what we are looking to gain is a deeper understanding of our sufferings, our ailments, our circumstances, our struggles and our needs. Because once we have that deeper understanding, then we can start to find creative solutions to help ourselves change our lives for the better.
Reiki, Crystals, Tarot, Akashic Records, just to name a few, are methods in which we find more understanding to our stuckness by discovering deeper meaning within ourselves. Sometimes it helps us pinpoint where the hurt stems from or helps to reveal the emotion behind the reaction. Sometimes it helps us see things from a different perspective in order to change lifelong ingrained patterns. And sometimes it helps us refocus our attention back onto what really matters, what our values are, and prioritizing what’s important through all the noise. It can get us back on course, realigning us with our intuition and gut feeling, and reminds us that we have what it takes to keep going, keep fighting, and keep pushing forward.
Once we are able to receive these messages and find our solid footing, we can trust ourselves to make the decisions needed to start taking action towards the change we want to see in our lives. This will eventually lead to our confidence growing and our self love deepening. Confidence is the byproduct of trusting that we will make decisions that are best for what we need, when we need it.
On our growth journeys, we have found tools that are sometimes difficult to explain and we don’t know how they work. But what we can share is that though we may not completely understand how it works, we know that it provides us with the power to truly let shit go, grow in ways we once thought impossible, and gives us the strength to continue doing the hard work less afraid of the unknown. And not because we are less afraid of all the “what ifs” but because we trust in our abilities to overcome whatever the outcome may be.
The power of incorporating the woo-woo in our growth journey has shown us that when we continue to prioritize putting our time, energy and money into ourselves, our lives become more enjoyable. There seems to be less harshness, negativity, and feeling overwhelmed. Other people and the decisions they make don’t affect us as much. Unexpected changes in life are still annoyances but also easier to deal with. And it shifts the mentality that life is happening to us and that it’s always someone else's fault, giving us the ability to feel more in control of our outcomes, steering ourselves towards what we truly desire.
If you have been feeling stuck, confused on what decision to make, or imbalanced and don’t understand your emotional reactions, we suggest trying tools like a tarot card reading or opening up your akashic records. Our 3-month ming+ming signature coaching sessions incorporates reiki, crystals, tarot, akashic records, and coaching to find a deeper understanding of your stuckness with more guidance and personal attention. These woo-woo tools are ones we use personally and continue to lean on for support in developing our confidence as we heal and grow.
The ming+ming platform is designed to give you the steps to change your life but we can’t change if we don’t step out of our comfort zone. Our intention for sharing practices and products on our platform are not meant to help you understand how the woo-woo works but how they have worked for us so we can encourage others to try something new. We’re here to help guide you through discovering what woo-woo works specifically for you. Leave us a comment below or message us on social media to share your experience with one of our featured tools or introduce us to your favorite woo-woo tool!
With love,
Ming-Wai + Ming-Cee